Ginger (Zingiber officinale), is a rhizome plant that is very popular as a spice and medicinal materials. Rimpangnya bulging fingers shaped in the middle sections. Dominant spicy taste due to compounds called ketones zingeron.
Including family Zingiberaceae Ginger (see findings). Ginger scientific name given by William Roxburgh zingiberi from the Greek word, from Sanskrit, singaberi.
Ginger is estimated to come from India. But others believe the ginger comes from South China. From India, ginger was taken as a spice trade to Southeast Asia, China, Japan, to the Middle East. Then in the days of colonialism, ginger can provide a sense of warm and spicy food soon became a popular commodity in Europe.
Because ginger can only survive in tropical regions, planting is only done in bsia are like the equatorial region of Southeast Asia, Brazil, and Africa. Currently Ecuador and Brazil became the largest supplier of ginger in the world.
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