12 Mar 2010

Red Box Versatility for Medicinal Plants

Plant red betel (Piper crocatum) included in the family Piperaceae, growing vine with heart-like leaf shape and stemmed, which grow alternately from the stem and the appearance of red leaves and shiny silver. In red betel leaf contains chemical compounds that Fito-alkoloid, saponins, tannins and flavonoids. Red Box has always been used by people who are on the island of Java as a medicine to cure various kinds of diseases and is part of the traditional event. The use of red betel can be used in the form of fresh, Simplisia or extract capsules. Red betel empirically to cure various kinds of diseases such as diabetes mi-litus, hepatitis, kidney stones, lower cholesterol, prevent stroke, gout, hypertension, may Allah be pleased at the liver, inflammation of the prostate, eye inflammation, vaginal discharge, ulcers, fatigue, joint pain and refine the skin. The results of preclinical testing in mice by giving a dose of the extract up to 20 g / kg body weight, safe to eat and not be toxic. Red betel widely used in clinic as a center of herbal medicine or therapy for patients who can not be cured by chemical drugs. Potential red betel as a medicinal plant is very large multi-functional so that needs to be improved in its use as an ingredient of modern medicine. Betel plants have many species and has a diverse species, such as betel ivory, green betel leaves, betel leaves, black, yellow and betel betel red. All types of betel plants have similar characteristics of vine plants with leaf shape resembles a heart and grow apart stemmed from the stem alternately. Red betel (Piper crocatum) is one of the potential medicinal plant which has long been known to have many medicinal properties to cure many kinds of diseases, besides that it also has spiritual values high. Red betel included in one important element that must be provided in any traditional ceremonies, especially in Jogyakarta. These plants included in the Pipe-raceae families with sightings of red-colored leaves and shiny keperakkan light when hit. Red betel vine growing on a fence or tree. Characteristic of this plant is trunked round purple, green and flowering. The leaves are heart-stemmed form the heart and the end of the tapering leaves. Leaf surface to burnish and uneven. What distinguishes the betel leaf green is red than silver, when the leaves are torn and it will discharge more fragrant scent. Red betel herb has long been used by environmental Kraton Jogyakarta as a medicinal plant which beguna to ngadi saliro. In the 1990s red betel functioned as an ornamental plant by the hobis, because an attractive appearance. Surface of red leaves and shiny silver. In recent years this crowded discussed and used as a medicinal plant. From some experience, known to have red betel drug efficacy for various diseases. With a mixture of red betel has healed many people from various diseases. Therefore many people who want to cultivate.
Since the time our ancestors first red betel plant is known to have many medicinal properties to cure many kinds of diseases, in addition red betel have spiritual values are high. Red Box is used as one of the important part that must be provided in any traditional ceremonies "ngadi saliro". Stew water containing antiseptic used to maintain the health of the oral cavity and to cure diseases, and vaginal discharge odor. Research with red betel plant so far still lacking, especially in developing as a raw material for bio. During this red betel use in society only on the basis of experiences made hereditary from parents to children or close relatives were verbally. In Java, particularly in Kraton Jogjakarta, red betel plant has been consumed since ancient to cure various kinds of diseases. Based on the experience of Javanese red betel plant has many benefits menyembukan hemorrhoid disease, white and mouthwash, alkaloids in the red betel is functioning as anti-microbial. Besides red betel antiseptic nature can also be used to treat diabetes, by drinking red betel cooking water every day will lower blood sugar levels to normal levels. Cancer is a disease suffered quite a lot of people and highly lethal, can be cured by using a powder or a stew of red betel leaves. Some experience in the community shows that the red betel can lower high blood diseases, but it also can cure hepatitis. Red betel in the form of herbal tea to treat gout, diabetes, ulcers and fatigue, this has been done by the center of herbal clinics in Jogjakarta, where the treatment patients cured of diabetes by consuming herbal teas red betel. Red betel as external drug can refine the skin. Known empirically red betel plant could cure kidney stones, cholesterol, uric acid, heart attack, stroke, prostate inflammation, inflammation of the eyes, colds and sore joints. The results of preclinical testing in mice by giving a dose of the extract up to 20 g / kg body weight, safe to eat and not be toxic, at doses capable of reducing blood glucose levels by 34.3% mice. Higher-writer runannya compared with anti-diabetes drug delivery militus commercial Daonil 3.22 MML / kg which is only 27% lower blood glucose of rats. The results of preclinical tests in rats, can be used as a reference for use in people who suffer from diabetes. We have had quite a lot of herbal clinic centers that use red as an ingredient of betel or therapy efficacious and potent for healing different types of diseases.


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