11 Mar 2010

Turmeric Benefits

One of the family of medicinal plants and white turmeric may not be as intimate as their siblings, aka turmeric turmeric. Turmeric is very close in the culinary world. White turmeric rhizome has a Latin name Curcuma zedoaria also contains many health benefits.
Problem is more bitter taste than his brother. But more distinctive aroma and strong because the oil content of more atsirinya. Based on the record of Traditional Medicines Directorate Supervision Directorate POM, research on white saffron or turmeric and white or white meeting has been conducted in China since 1988. White Turmeric contains known essential oil consisting of curdione and curcumol. Have antioxidant properties that can withstand free radical substances cause the growth of cancer cells, anti-inflammatory (inflammation) and can increase the red blood cells.
Our ancestors also often consume white turmeric rhizome juice is during childbirth to cleanse the organs associated with childbirth. But white turmeric is said should not be used during pregnancy because it can cause miscarriage. In Indonesia, studies of white turmeric has been much publicized. Several laboratory studies have shown Khasiatnya in clinical trials. However, this new clinical trials to overcome the limited usefulness of inflammation.
Plants are still one family with this ginger was able to grow everywhere, but Indonesia, particularly Sumatra and Java as well as India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Nepal is known to have fertile soil for this plant. The U.S. is intentionally imported plants for raw material of perfume making. The aroma of warm, cool, unique timber and be capable of giving the effect of relaxation therapy.
White Turmeric also has efficacy as a plant that can resist the growth of cancer cells. As the Oxford University, berkhasiat white turmeric rhizome inhibits cancer cell growth rate and prevent damage to the genes that became one of the causes of cancer. This is because the white turmeric rhizome contains riboisme in activating protein (RIP) that is toksis and kurkumin proteins. This protein compounds that inhibit cancer cell proliferation rate. Treatment effects are indirect and require a long time because they have to wait for it to die of cancer cells themselves. No wonder, the patient will need patience to get hasilnya.ame
To Overcome Cancer, Clinical Need According to traditional medicine researchers from the Faculty of Pharmacy University of Airlangga (Airlangga University), Dr. MS Mangestuti Apt, white turmeric's efficacy has been known down through generations. Clinical trials efficacy of white turmeric new limited use of essential oils for indigestion. "Related to savor white turmeric for cancer, there is no formal research. Currently we are doing research on white turmeric is running, there is no final outcome to overcome diseases of others. However, the literature about the white turmeric and cancer has many foreign owned, "he explained.
Mangestuti add in principle all types of rhizome roots have a similar efficacy. "The average rhizome plants like ginger, turmeric, a key meeting contain essential oils are good for digestion. For example as a reliever flatulence, nausea, stomach pain, "he continued.
Although not all white turmeric efficacy is proven through clinical trials, information Mangestuti, not a few people who have felt Khasiatnya. "Consumption of turmeric, lemon and white in reasonable servings each day, although not proven detrimental effect. Instead of white turmeric able to handle patient complaints such as indigestion, "he said.
MamboServer Balitbangkes membukuan white turmeric study in the Journal of Media Research and Development Health, Volume XVI, No. 1 / 2006. Intersection juice and white or white with saffron and mango Intersection able to overcome a variety of abdominal complaints such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, nausea, and bloating sebah. The test was conducted on male white mice. Experimental results shown in the feces of these mice to prove that white turmeric able to overcome diarrhea and efficacious as peluruh fart (carminative), white turmeric besides that also promote healing of wounds and bruises.
For external use such as bruises, sprains broken ulcers that are difficult enough borehkan grated turmeric rhizome white on the body part. Traditional society is also often uses the rhizome mill into powder and dried as a powder.


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