25 Mar 2010

Asal Usul Musik Keroncong

Akar keroncong berasal dari sejenis musik Portugis yang dikenal sebagai fado yang diperkenalkan oleh para pelaut dan budak kapal niaga bangsa itu sejak abad ke-16 ke Nusantara. Dari daratan India (Goa) masuklah musik ini pertama kali di Malaka dan kemudian dimainkan oleh para budak dari Maluku. Melemahnya pengaruh Portugis pada abad ke-17 di Nusantara tidak dengan serta-merta berarti hilang pula musik ini. Bentuk awal musik ini disebut moresco, yang diiringi oleh alat musik dawai. Musik keroncong yang berasal dari Tugu disebut keroncong Tugu. Dalam perkembangannya, masuk sejumlah unsur tradisional Nusantara, seperti penggunaan seruling serta beberapa komponen gamelan. Pada sekitar abad ke-19 bentuk musik campuran ini sudah populer di banyak tempat di Nusantara, bahkan hingga ke Semenanjung Malaya. Masa keemasan ini berlanjut hingga sekitar tahun 1960-an, dan kemudian meredup akibat masuknya gelombang musik populer (musik rock yang berkembang sejak 1950, dan berjayanya musik Beatle dan sejenisnya sejak tahun 1961 hingga sekarang). Meskipun demikian, musik keroncong masih tetap dimainkan dan dinikmati oleh berbagai lapisan masyarakat di Indonesia dan Malaysia hingga sekarang.
Musik dawai, seperti biola, ukulele, serta selo. Perkusi juga kadang-kadang dipakai. Set orkes semacam ini masih dipakai oleh keroncong Tugu, bentuk keroncong yang masih dimainkan oleh komunitas keturunan budak Portugis dari Ambon yang tinggal di Kampung Tugu, Jakarta Utara, yang kemudian berkembang ke arah selatan di Kemayoran dan Gambir oleh orang Betawi berbaur dengan musik Tanjidor (tahun 1880-1920). Tahun 1920-1960 pusat perkembangan pindah ke Solo, dan beradaptasi dengan irama yang lebih lambat sesuai sifat orang Jawa.
Pem-"pribumi"-an keroncong menjadikannya seni campuran, dengan alat-alat musik seperti
Saat ini, alat musik yang dipakai dalam orkes keroncong mencakup
  • ukulele cuk, berdawai 3 (nilon), urutan nadanya adalah G, B dan E; sebagai alat musik utama yang menyuarakan crong - crong sehingga disebut keroncong (ditemukan tahun 1879 di Hawai, dan merupakan awal tonggak mulainya musik keroncong)
  • ukulele cak, berdawai 4 (baja), urutan nadanya A, D, Fis, dan B. Jadi ketika alat musik lainnya memainkan tangga nada C, cak bermain pada tangga nada F (dikenal dengan sebutan in F);
  • gitar akustik sebagai gitar melodi, dimainkan dengan gaya kontrapuntis (anti melodi);
  • biola (menggantikan Rebab);
  • flut (mengantikan Suling Bambu);
  • selo; betot menggantikan kendang
  • kontrabas (menggantikan Gong)
Penjaga irama dipegang oleh ukulele dan bas. Gitar yang kontrapuntis dan selo yang ritmis mengatur peralihan akord. Biola berfungsi sebagai penuntun melodi, sekaligus hiasan/ornamen bawah. Flut mengisi hiasan atas, yang melayang-layang mengisi ruang melodi yang kosong.
Bentuk keroncong yang dicampur dengan musik populer sekarang menggunakan organ tunggal serta synthesizer untuk mengiringi lagu keroncong (di pentas pesta organ tunggal yang serba bisa main keroncong, dangdut, rock, polka, mars).

12 Mar 2010

Cultivation aspect of the Red Box

Red betel can be propagated vegetatively by cuttings or grafting because these plants are not flowering. Slips can be done by using the long vines with 20 to 30 cm. The vine should be selected which has issued the roots and have 2 to 3 leaves or 2 to 3 books. To reduce evaporation, leaves me cut back on some or all of his waste. Vines taken from healthy plants and has more than a year old. How to multiplication by the cutting can be done by providing a planting medium sand, soil and compost with the comparative 1: 1: 1. media in-put into polibeg stand ameter 10 cm of the bottom of his already dilubangin. Cuttings that had chopped soaked in water for about 15 minutes. Cuttings planted in poly-Beg who had planted the media contains. Put the cuttings in a shady place the sun shines approximately 60%.

Red Box Versatility for Medicinal Plants

Plant red betel (Piper crocatum) included in the family Piperaceae, growing vine with heart-like leaf shape and stemmed, which grow alternately from the stem and the appearance of red leaves and shiny silver. In red betel leaf contains chemical compounds that Fito-alkoloid, saponins, tannins and flavonoids. Red Box has always been used by people who are on the island of Java as a medicine to cure various kinds of diseases and is part of the traditional event. The use of red betel can be used in the form of fresh, Simplisia or extract capsules. Red betel empirically to cure various kinds of diseases such as diabetes mi-litus, hepatitis, kidney stones, lower cholesterol, prevent stroke, gout, hypertension, may Allah be pleased at the liver, inflammation of the prostate, eye inflammation, vaginal discharge, ulcers, fatigue, joint pain and refine the skin. The results of preclinical testing in mice by giving a dose of the extract up to 20 g / kg body weight, safe to eat and not be toxic. Red betel widely used in clinic as a center of herbal medicine or therapy for patients who can not be cured by chemical drugs. Potential red betel as a medicinal plant is very large multi-functional so that needs to be improved in its use as an ingredient of modern medicine. Betel plants have many species and has a diverse species, such as betel ivory, green betel leaves, betel leaves, black, yellow and betel betel red. All types of betel plants have similar characteristics of vine plants with leaf shape resembles a heart and grow apart stemmed from the stem alternately. Red betel (Piper crocatum) is one of the potential medicinal plant which has long been known to have many medicinal properties to cure many kinds of diseases, besides that it also has spiritual values high. Red betel included in one important element that must be provided in any traditional ceremonies, especially in Jogyakarta. These plants included in the Pipe-raceae families with sightings of red-colored leaves and shiny keperakkan light when hit. Red betel vine growing on a fence or tree. Characteristic of this plant is trunked round purple, green and flowering. The leaves are heart-stemmed form the heart and the end of the tapering leaves. Leaf surface to burnish and uneven. What distinguishes the betel leaf green is red than silver, when the leaves are torn and it will discharge more fragrant scent. Red betel herb has long been used by environmental Kraton Jogyakarta as a medicinal plant which beguna to ngadi saliro. In the 1990s red betel functioned as an ornamental plant by the hobis, because an attractive appearance. Surface of red leaves and shiny silver. In recent years this crowded discussed and used as a medicinal plant. From some experience, known to have red betel drug efficacy for various diseases. With a mixture of red betel has healed many people from various diseases. Therefore many people who want to cultivate.

11 Mar 2010

Turmeric Benefits

One of the family of medicinal plants and white turmeric may not be as intimate as their siblings, aka turmeric turmeric. Turmeric is very close in the culinary world. White turmeric rhizome has a Latin name Curcuma zedoaria also contains many health benefits.
Problem is more bitter taste than his brother. But more distinctive aroma and strong because the oil content of more atsirinya. Based on the record of Traditional Medicines Directorate Supervision Directorate POM, research on white saffron or turmeric and white or white meeting has been conducted in China since 1988. White Turmeric contains known essential oil consisting of curdione and curcumol. Have antioxidant properties that can withstand free radical substances cause the growth of cancer cells, anti-inflammatory (inflammation) and can increase the red blood cells.

Efficacy Ginger

Ginger plants has long been known and grew well in our country. Ginger is one of the important spices. Rimpangnya very widely used, such as spices, giving the aroma and taste of food such as bread, cakes, biscuits, confectionery and various drinks. Ginger is also used in the drug industry, perfume and traditional herbal medicine. Young ginger eaten as lalaban, processed into sauerkraut and pickles. In addition, karene can provide heat effects in the stomach, the ginger is also used as a beverage like bandrek, sekoteng and syrup.

What is Ginger ?

Ginger (Zingiber officinale), is a rhizome plant that is very popular as a spice and medicinal materials. Rimpangnya bulging fingers shaped in the middle sections. Dominant spicy taste due to compounds called ketones zingeron.
Including family Zingiberaceae Ginger (see findings). Ginger scientific name given by William Roxburgh zingiberi from the Greek word, from Sanskrit, singaberi.

The Development of Batik in Indonesia

History of batik in Indonesia related to the development of the kingdom of Majapahit kingdom and beyond. In some records, the development of batik is often committed in times of Mataram kingdom, then in the kingdom of Solo and Yogyakarta.
Art is the art of batik on fabric image for clothing that was one of the family culture of Indonesian kings of old. Batik initially done only in a limited course and outcome palace for the king and the family clothing and his followers. Because many of the followers of the king who lived outside the palace, the art of batik was taken by them out of court and be done in place of each.
In the development of batik art gradually imitated by the people of this and the next nearest extends to the work of women in the household to fill his spare time. Furthermore, batik clothing was only the royal family, then became a popular folk clothes, both women and men.

History of Batik

 Batik is historically derived from ancestral times, known since the seventeenth century, written and painted on palm leaves. At that time batik motif or pattern is still dominated by the form of animals and plants. But in the history of batik development evolved, namely from painting motifs of animals and plants gradually turn to an abstract pattern that resembles a cloud, temple reliefs, wayang beber and so on. Next through the merger of the painting style of clothing decorated with art, batik art emerged as we know it today.

Batik in the Present

Batik tradition was originally a family tradition of kings Indonesia dizaman first. At that time only a limited batik works in the palace alone and proceeds to dress the king and his family and his followers. Because many of the followers of the king who lived outside the palace, the art of batik was taken by them out of court and do their respective places.

Batik Glance

Batik is the art of drawing on fabric for clothing made with the technique of wax resist using the material. The word batik originates from the Javanese that means writing. Batik technique has been known for thousands of years ago. There is no historical information is quite clear about the origin of batik. Some suspect this technique comes from the Sumerian, then developed in Java after being taken by Indian traders. Batick, batic, bathik, battik, batiks and batique and batix is another name batik cloth. Currently batik can be found in many countries such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, Sri Lanka and Iran. Besides in Asia, batik is also very popular in some countries in the continent of Africa. However, the most famous batik in the world is batik from Indonesia and the development of Pekalongan batik an icon dubbed the archipelago so as KOTA BATIK (see: the history of batik in Indonesia).